A Daisy Vest Is a Great Girl Scout Gift

daisies vest

A Daisy vest is a popular gift for young girls, and it is also a great way to show your girl’s personality. The Daisy program lasts two years, and it includes a wide range of badges and petals. The front of the vest features the official awards, including the Girl Scout Promise, Law, and four financial leaves. It is the perfect gift for the little girl who wants to make a difference in the world.

To complete your daughter’s look, you can choose between a Daisy vest and a matching scarf. Both items are yellow, and are meant to be worn together. In addition, the vest is made of cotton and is machine washable, making it an excellent gift for young girls. Daisies vests can also be worn over jeans. Daisy badges are easy to iron on, while the other items can be sewn on.

The vests are available in many different colors, and can include patches for all of the badges earned during the year. A Daisy vest can be decorated with fun patches, which are awarded for participation-related events rather than skill-building badges. For example, a troop might receive a fun patch for attending a Halloween party. Fun patches can be displayed on the back of the vest, and have no particular structure. They are designed to be displayed with pride.