‘Chaos Walking’ Release Date Hype – Could We See More Of Marvel’s Hero With Spider-Man and X-Men in theaters soon?

Confessions of Tom Holland – Daisy Ridley and Tom Holland are set to team up again for a second installment of the smash hit movie “The Dark Knight.” The first installment of the Batman vs. Superman film franchise was a huge hit, not only because of the breathtaking battle between the masked crusader and the villain Bane (aranthrocanic villain with mental abilities that cause him to steal from his own identity), but also because of the touching portrayal of the protagonist, Batman. This time around, Daisy and Tom will have to do battle with the villain Lexi Gordon…also known as Batsy…who is still obsessed with destroying Gotham City’s skyline and making Gotham City a place where he can rule. Meanwhile, there’s a new villain in the form of an aging bat-like villain referred to as the Riddler, who has a variety of gadgets that he uses to pose as a persuasive speechwriter for various criminals. The Dynamic Duo must foil the villains and save the city while at the same time dealing with their personal issues as well. There are a number of talented stars attached to this intriguing project…

daisy ridley and tom holland

It was a disappointing ending to the successful Spider-Man and X-Men series, and so many fans were left wondering what happened to the futuristic city of New York. Was it burned to the ground, or did the X-Men go on another planet? Well, according to director James Mangold, the movie takes place on a different New York that doesn’t feature any Manhattan at all in the second installment of the superhero drama. Instead, a devastated city is the setting, and is ruled by The Dark Knight himself. “It was a very emotional experience to follow Peter Parker and Sam Raimi’s footsteps on New York,” said Mangold.

Both actors are back for more, with Tom Holland revealing in an interview that he’s already been filming for the next two weeks. “I’m just trying to get my head in the clouds for a little bit,” he said, “so I can start doing my own movies.” Meanwhile, Daisy Ridley is also promising more Spider-Man and X-Men action in the not-too-distant future. “We’ve got a few more months of shooting left on the film,” she told Entertainment Tonight, “so I’m just going to keep my mouth shut about that.”