Daisy Miller Summary

A Daisy Miller summary will provide you with an overview of the novella. Written by Henry James, it takes place in a strict society where society’s mores are rigid. While you may want to skip the first part of the novella and focus on the end, you should read on to learn more about the characters. Then, you can choose from several options to pick the best Daisy Miller summary. Here are a few options:

daisy miller summary

The first thing to know about Daisy Miller is that the novel is about a newly rich American girl touring Europe. She thinks that the world should be like hers, but she fails to acknowledge the unspoken codes of conduct. This novel is a great example of how to get a summary of a book without having to spend hours scouring multiple sources. The author focuses on the main character, Daisy Miller, and the story’s theme.

This novel is a classic example of an obnoxious and petty character who struggles with class. She tries to emulate upper-class Europeans, but lacks refinement, taste, and good manners. She claims to be fond of society but is regarded as coarse and unsuitable. Ultimately, the book is a classic example of this type of behavior. You can find Daisy Miller summary and reviews at many sites.