Daisy Yogurt Is Good For You

daisy yogurt

You can do so much with a dollop of daisy

The time-honored jingle for Daisy brand sour cream reflects the versatility of this dairy staple, pairing just as well with savory ingredients as it does sweet ones. But the company has recently branched out from its signature sour cream, with products including cottage cheese and even kefir (a fermented milk drink).

In addition to being a tasty snack or ingredient, daisy yogurt is surprisingly good for you. The strained dairy product contains both probiotics (check labels for live and active cultures) and calcium, which is essential for bone health. It also has a fair amount of potassium and sodium, both of which are important for normal heart function.

As an added bonus, cottage cheese is very high in protein. And while most brands of the food contain added sugar and fat, daisy does not. In fact, the full-fat version of the creamy treat is one of the only dairy products that is keto-friendly, a low-carb diet designed to encourage ketone production by promoting an increase in fat consumption.

In fact, if you want to make your own at-home version of the dairy product, it’s really simple. Just add a couple of tablespoons of existing yogurt to milk, place it in a bowl and let it sit for six hours. The longer you leave the mixture out, the more sour it will become. The key is to keep the milk a lukewarm temperature so that the bacteria can do their work and turn the lactose into yogurt.