Girl Scout Tattoos – The Symbolism in Flower Tattoos

Girl scouts have long been known for their love of daisies and all things daisy. In fact, in some circles they are considered to be the official flower of the Girl Scout movement. Traditionally, the girls of a scouting troop are expected to grow daisies, plant them in a garden or in the corner of a sidewalk, and then send them off to their various Girl Scout Summer Homes where they will enjoy their stay for the summer. Daisies have always been a favorite for Girl Scouters because they represent innocence and playfulness; two traits that seem to be so important to the scouts.

daisies girl scouts

They are an excellent choice for a flower because of their longevity: they grow back year after year, just as they are chosen to be planted. They also have another advantage: daisies are the only flower other than tulips to be used in the Girl Scout insignia. In addition, daisies can be used to create a festive environment in your office or at any event where you want your guests to be impressed by your flower decorations. If you are interested in using daisies as a symbol of your organization, here are a few ideas you may want to consider:

You can use your daisy tattoo as a springboard into your Girl Scout insignia. For example, you could have the first letter of each word of your Girl Scout motto placed diagonally down the center of a daisy flower, creating a lovely border for your Girl Scout pin. Or, if you prefer, you can display a daisy tattoo along one side of your Girl Scout patch. Either way, daisies make a beautiful choice for a flower tattoo.