The Daisy’s Meaning

The daisy’s meaning is not completely clear, but it is associated with innocence and youth. In ancient Celtic mythology, the flower was considered sacred and the gods would cover the graves of dead children with the flowers. In Norse mythology, the flower was associated with the goddess Freya, the goddess of fertility. In modern times, daisies have a more universal meaning, representing love, happiness, and the simple beauty of life.

daisies meaning

Aside from being the birth flower of April, daisies also symbolize transformation and chastity. In Greek mythology, the goddess Belides was pursued by Vertumnus, the god of seasons, until she turned into a daisy to escape him. In addition to their symbolism, daisies are composite flowers, consisting of two flowers. The inner section, the disc floret, is a composite of the outer petal section, the ray floret. Traditionally, they signify true love and the renewal of one’s faith and values.

During the night, daisies’ petals will close up to hide their beauty. The slang term, ‘that’s a doozy,’ was developed to describe the flower’s sexy beauty. Despite the romantic connotations of the flower, daisies are a perfect gift for a woman or a girl. So, if you’re looking for the perfect gift for a girl, why not send a bouquet of daisies?