Tips For Growing Zulu Daisy Plants

zulu daisies

If you’ve ever wanted to grow a flower that’s native to South Africa, you’ll love Zulu daisies. This group of plants produces beautiful flowers in the summer and is a charming plant for your greenhouse. These plants are half-hardy annuals and set copious amounts of seed. They’re also excellent for cutting and make excellent houseplants. Here are some tips for growing this flower.

Located in southern Africa, this flower has creamy white blooms with a black center disc. The leaves are silvery green, with deep lobed margins. These daisies are 2-feet tall and tolerant of heat and drought. Also known as the “Monarch of the Veld,” this daisy attracts butterflies and bees, and each flower contains more than 100 seeds. A Zulu daisy is a perennial that can grow to be two feet tall and can thrive even in a small container.